9 reasons why you should keep customers loyal to your brand

If there is anything important when you have a business, it is keeping customers loyal to your brand. This is probably one of the main goals. You will most likely prefer consumers who buy little, but often, to someone who makes a large one-time purchase.

In fact, it is not about quantity but quality. It is better to have fewer loyal customers than many one-time customers who after the first purchase never visit you again. Therefore, companies today are more interested in retaining those who are truly interested in the brand.

But this is not just a simple theory. In fact, there are many other reasons why it is important to keep customers loyal to your brand. Perhaps by discovering them you can understand more clearly why you should work on a loyalty strategy.

The keys to keeping customers loyal to your brand
Knowing the exact reasons why it is appropriate for your company to have engaged customers is the key to your strategy. Therefore, you should consider the following reasons:

1.- You create an emotional connection between the customer and the brand.

Seeing customers only as a number will not help you gain their trust. Therefore, it is essential to create an emotional connection between the customer and your brand. This is possible through a loyalty program, which will help develop engagement through repeated behaviors.

But the real question is how can you connect with consumers? The first thing you should know is that it is essential to work with a personalized message. This aspect will make every customer feel special. Create special offers based on needs, preferences …, i.e. individual lifestyle.

2.- Acquire new customers
It is true that your main goal is to retain those customers who buy frequently. Once you do that, you will not only have regular buyers, but also a powerful marketing tool. It is nothing more and nothing less than word of mouth, a technique that continues to be a trend.

According to a Nielsen study, 83 percent of consumers trust customer recommendations more than any other form of marketing. Therefore, loyal customers help you attract new customers interested in your products or services, and this translates into more sales.

Best of all, this customer acquisition will not require a large investment because buyers who are loyal to your brand will recommend it to their family and friends on a voluntary basis. This is why this technique is widely used by companies because it practically does not affect the budget.

3.- You will have brand ambassadors

As you have already seen in the previous point, loyal customers will become your best, least planned and most effective marketing strategy. They themselves will be responsible for spreading brand awareness through their recommendations.

They are the brand ambassadors who influence other people through comments and recommendations, either through word of mouth or online. Keep in mind that customer referrals are ideal for growing your consumer list.

4.- They offer valuable information
Other reasons why you should consider keeping customers loyal to your brand are for the simple fact that they have access to valuable information. Consider that this aspect will give you the opportunity to develop innovative and effective strategies that will help you if you have a loyalty program.

Think that if your customers trust your brand, they will not hesitate to exchange information with you. This is a great advantage, since this way you can know their opinion about the quality of your products or the service you provide. It is also useful to know what they need, which will help you personalize your campaigns.

By having this kind of data you can attribute specific sales to specific people. This feature is used to create detailed customer profiles. Also, you can better understand the nuances within your target market. You can use them in your loyalty program and branding strategies to connect optimally and individually with customers.

5.- They have a better ROI

Anyone who owns a business knows how expensive it can be to acquire a customer, so it is better to retain those who already exist. According to various studies, existing customers are 50 percent more likely to try a new product and spend 31 percent more per purchase than new consumers.

Certainly one of the main goals of marketing is to reach potential customers because they are critical to growth. However, keeping customers loyal to your brand is the long-term value. If you don’t keep customers, you will have to replace them when they leave.

For this reason, it is important to promote a loyalty program that will help you avoid high churn rates and retain high-value customers. You can work with a rewards program that is relevant and appealing. You can then use fewer resources in traditional advertisements.

The idea is to invest that time in building valuable long-term relationships with existing customers.

6.- Represent more income
Keeping customers loyal to your brand has a great profit advantage, since they buy more frequently than occasional buyers. But beyond the simple act of buying products or services, loyal consumers spend more money on your business.

These are people who already know the quality of what you sell, so they do not hesitate to spend their money, even if the price is a little higher. Knowing your brand, they feel fully confident in making their purchases, whether weekly, biweekly or monthly.

7.- Offer valuable feedback

Among the many reasons why you should build customer loyalty to your brand, there is one that is very important today. It is the comments they leave on your pages or social networks. Currently, users before making a purchase visit different Web sites to find information.

This prior analysis by the consumer himself is essential for his purchase decision. So it is important to encourage your loyal customers to leave comments. It’s simple, they just need to tell you about their experience when they purchase one of your products or services.

From the quality of the item purchased, to the care given, everything counts in having satisfied customers leave good reviews. Rest assured, loyal customers won’t mind taking the time to share valuable feedback that can help attract others. This is another marketing strategy related to brand ambassadors.

8.- Strengthen brand image.
The way people see your brand is essential. If you don’t have good references, you can be sure you won’t get very far. No one would feel safe buying from a company that does not have loyal customers, and this aspect would make the rest of the possible customers wary.

In fact, there is a big difference when you have a loyal customer base: it arouses the public’s interest in your business. But not only that, it is also the key point in strengthening your brand image.

  1. They come up with new ideas for your brand

Loyal customers not only recommend brands that meet their needs, but are also a source of new ideas. From creating a new product, to ideas in terms of design to promote everything you offer to the public. This can be done through surveys you do or other techniques.

Use the ideas that users provide to improve and meet their needs. Not only will it benefit you commercially, but it will help you strengthen the bond with them and, in turn, you will acquire new customers. It’s about integrating as much as possible all those people who are hesitant to buy your products.

You have seen that there are many reasons why it is important to keep customers loyal to your brand. There is no doubt that this type of consumer brings great benefits both in saving costs and in increasing sales and, therefore, profits.

So now you know that retaining customers is a great strategy for your business. And if you want to start working on it now, at Antevenio we will help you with your project. We provide you with our Loyalty Marketing services through which you can build a solid communication system so that you can maintain a good relationship with your customers.






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