Seo Copywriting : optimizing texts in 7 steps

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SEO Copywriting is the art of combining search engine optimization (SEO) and good writing.

It is the technique by which a text provides value to the user and specifically compelling answers to the user to the questions they ask on Google.

It plays a key role in a Web Marketing plan and is essential for generating traffic to any type of website.

It is a delicate balance between writing dedicated to human readers, but with an eye on search engine robots.

You can read an in-depth discussion of this topic on this article Writing for search engines or for people?

The success of a text ? Content and SEO optimization

One would think that writing quality and creative text would be enough to trigger clicks and views, but that is not really the case.

Creative, original, well-crafted writing certainly serves to give value to the website, but if the same content also has an SEO-side optimization it means securing success and a good position in the SERP, the search engine results page.

SEO Copywriting let’s say so is the next step after creative writing, a purely technical step.

But let’s see now how to optimize a text, dwelling on 7 basic steps to take to make it “palatable” for search engines as well.

Choose the right title

The title is the first thing that jumps out at the reader’s eye, but it is also what the search engine reads first.

The goal of a good copywriter is to write headlines that grab the user’s attention, that convince him or her to open the post.

In choosing the title, try to be as clear as possible.

The reader must immediately understand what the article will be about.

Last but not least, the title must contain the keyword.

Read this article of mine on how to write an effective title.

Use the Right Keywords

Not all keywords are equal; some convert more than others.

Then there are those that bring more traffic to the website than others.

The role of a good CopyWriter (one who owns and models the art of copywriting) is to know how to choose the right ones.

It is essential to know the keywords most typed by potential customers of the website whose texts the copywriter has been assigned to write.

But what useful tools exist on the web for researching the right keywords?

There are several, but undoubtedly the most useful is Google’s keyword planning tool.

Through this tool we can know precisely how much a specific keyword is searched for at a particular time of year, in a particular language, in a specific country, region or city.

Google AdWords once the keyword is selected, on the left side of the screen shows two important things:

  • A list of terms related to the keyword entered.
  • The search filters: Extended, Exact or Phrase.

With the “Exact” filter you have the exact data on a particular keyword, with the “Extended” filter, Google AdWords also pops up related keywords, and finally the “Phrase” filter that gives much more information.

Choosing the best keywords to include in the content

The beginning and end of an article are two important moments, both from the SEO aspect, but also from the “journalistic” point of view.

Beginning the text with the keyword, means immediately identifying the topic being discussed, but more importantly, it helps search engine spiders to index the article correctly.

Use language appropriate to the website’s audience: technical if the site is a portal specializing in a certain topic, simpler if it is intended for the general public.

In any case it must be a fluent text, pleasant to read and above all free of typos and grammatical errors.

If you want to learn more about this topic, read this article of mine on how to assess the difficulty of keywords.

Respect the rules of SEO Copywriting

The SEO Copywriter is a professional who, with an eye on SEO, applies all the techniques of SEO copywriting to his writing.

Therefore, he or she knows how to go straight to the core of the issue, use the right and precise words, arouse interest, provide practical examples, always cite sources, and in some cases even tell his or her own opinion on the subject matter.

Using bulleted or numbered lists

Bulleted lists, like numbered lists, are essential for making a text quick to read.

They also give a more orderly structure to the post and allow even rushed readers, a very high percentage on the Web, to understand the subject matter and the essential parts of the content.

Use bold, italics and underline

Bold, italics and underlined text also make for faster and more convenient reading.

Always remember to insert them and to bold at least once the keyword you choose for the text.

This last action helps the search engine identify the topic of the article.

Reread the whole thing carefully

Has the post been finished? Perfect don’t be in a hurry to publish it as soon as possible.

A good Copywriter takes a break, does something else, and turns his attention away from the newly finished content.

After a few minutes he picks up the post, rereads it carefully and only when he is sure that there are no typos, grammatical errors and that the SEO optimizations are in the right place, he publishes the text.

Let’s now see in detail some tips to follow to publish a post of about 300 words on an SEO-optimized WordPress site through Yoast’s WordPress SEO Plug-In:

  • Create the title of at most 70 characters with the keyword entered as soon as possible (it is reposted in the SEO Title item of the PlugIn).
  • Edit the permalink trying to make it as short as possible while keeping the Main keyword.
  • Enter the text which should be at least 300 words, contain at least 2 times the keyword, once in the first paragraph and once in the second paragraph.
  • Create at least two paragraphs. For each paragraph, insert a subtitle through the H2 tag.
  • Choose and enter the keyword in the form named “Main Keyword” in the PlugIn.
  • Enter text of at least 140 characters within the “Meta Description” form, where the keyword must be present and have a period at the end of the sentence.
  • Insert at least one image that should contain the title with the keyword, the Alt title with always the keyword chosen for the post and a description of the image.
  • Choose a Category that well identifies the subject matter.
  • The dot in the upper right box should turn green. If the dot is yellow or red, there is something wrong open the window called “Page Analysis” and analyze the suggestions that the PlugIn provides.

That’s all.

Of course, this is just a little tidbit, there would be much more to say and add on the topic, if you would like to contribute, please leave a comment.







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