SMS marketing strategies for the restaurant industry

There are many who want to know how to reach their target audience through SMS marketing campaigns for the restaurant industry. A sector of interest by consumers and one that is reviving after the pandemic is picking up again.

Although text messaging is considered by some to be an obsolete medium, the reality is quite different. In fact, it is one of the most direct and personal ways to reach your audience because these messages arrive directly on the mobile device. Moreover, the recipient usually opens them within 3 minutes of receiving them.

This is one of the main reasons why you should think about structuring your SMS marketing strategy for the restaurant industry. The idea is that you can use this popular channel in the business environment to communicate with your customers and offer them promotions.

What does SMS marketing offer for the restaurant industry?

Many people start creating their strategies without even knowing the relevant aspects about the channel they will use to implement it. This is why you need to know what benefits SMS marketing offers you for the restaurant industry:

  • As you may already know, it has a high open rate that translates to 98 percent. This means that the number of bookings and customers in your establishment will be higher than when you use another communication channel.
  • By offering direct contact, you have the ability to inform in seconds about offers and events that will take place in your restaurant.
  • Although it has only 160 characters, you can include a URL to direct your users to the web page of your choice. The intention is that they can delve into more specific information such as reservations and menus.
  • You can customize your messages by location, age, or preference, and this allows you to address each customer directly and effectively.
  • In terms of cost, it is lower than any other advertising method, such as ads in traditional media.
  • Your database can grow as potential customers respond positively. Especially when you indicate that they will receive exclusive mobile offers or promotions.
  • It helps you improve your profitability, which in turn affects the increased ROI of your campaigns.
  • SMS marketing for the restaurant industry will help you introduce your restaurant to potential customers in your area.
  • It brings effective results by industry. But to achieve this, you need to implement campaigns tailored to the needs and expectations of your target audience.

SMS marketing techniques for the restaurant industry

Now that you know all about SMS marketing for the restaurant industry can benefit you, the next step is coming. It’s time for you to learn how to create your own strategies. To do this, you will need to know some effective trends that will help you in this process:

1.- Create a database
If you are just starting out, the first thing you should do is devote yourself to creating your database. Don’t make the mistake of buying one because you can be classified as spam, so it is better that you personally collect information from potential customers.

Keep in mind that SMS marketing is optional and it is the users who decide to sign up for your campaigns. You can recruit consumers through other channels. For example, you can include an optional checkbox to receive SMS alerts when customers make a reservation.

It is important to have a mobile subscription FAQ page. There should be information on how it works and what to expect from campaigns. Also, a very important point that cannot be missed is the privacy policy.

If you already have a database, it is important to update it and debug it regularly. Because many times consumers stop opening your messages and this affects your open rate: identify those that do not interact and delete them.

2.- Segment your customers.
Nothing is more fundamental to any campaign than good audience targeting. Here success will depend on the previous point, since depending on the information gathered during the creation of the database is that you will be able to perform this process.

In order to successfully segment you will need data such as age, location, sociological factors, as well as likes and interests. Consider that not all your customers are the same or looking for the same thing, so you need to adapt to each one.

3.- Customize your text messages.

Within your SMS marketing strategy for the restaurant industry, personalization of your messages cannot be missing. To do this, it will be very important to adhere to the first two steps, as this is what will allow you to create the perfect message for each customer segment.

Know that today’s consumers have high expectations when it comes to the messages they choose to receive. So if they do not see relevant content, they will not hesitate to unsubscribe. So it is critical that the text meet the customer’s needs, personality, and tastes.

When it comes to personalizing SMS, it is not just about entering the user’s name. It is about sending a message appropriate to what the recipient wants. Focus on creating a pleasant and personalized interaction between the customer and your restaurant.

You need to avoid spamming your recipients, so avoid generic promotional messages. This can be very useful for marketing on social networks, but in this direct channel you need to keep campaigns personal and of value to the customer.

4.- Write clear and precise text messages
You have 160 characters, more than enough to send an interesting text message; in addition, you can add a link to complete the information. You need to take advantage of this space to advertise your offer or promotion, without so many detours.

Always be clear when writing your text messages, as many times they usually send promotions that can be interpreted in different ways. If you are going to offer two plates of food for the price of one, make sure it is the real deal, otherwise you will only get dissatisfied customers.

5.- Send your message at the right time

Something you should keep in mind when creating your SMS marketing strategy for the restaurant industry is when you send the campaign. First of all, forget the early morning hours; no one wants to be woken up by an inappropriate text message regarding a reservation.

It is advisable in this case to send communications just before lunch or dinner, that is, around 12:00 or 7:00 pm. Keep in mind that the time of receipt is critical, whether you are making a reservation or placing an order.

6.- Offer various incentives
Surely, when users signed up for SMS alerts for the restaurant industry, you offered them something in return. For someone to give you their personal information, you have to offer something valuable that they saw when they provided their information.

You already know that you should personalize your text messages by sending discounts, prizes or exclusive invitations to an event. Consider that this will help you increase your retention rate, thus preventing them from unsubscribing. Without a doubt, this is a great way to solidify a strong customer relationship.

7.- Booking Reminder

One of the biggest attractions and benefits of SMS marketing campaigns for the restaurant industry is the ability to send reminders. You can take the opportunity to remind them in advance of the reservation that customers have made. This way you can confirm their attendance.

With so many daily activities, it is not unusual for people to forget an appointment. But with these reminders they can enjoy the restaurant. The best thing is to generate trust in customers.

There are many techniques you can apply so that your SMS marketing campaigns for the restaurant industry are effective and reach your audience. You just have to work on them keeping in mind each step you have to follow, from creating the database to sending the message.

It is proven that campaigns that are carried out in a structured way through this channel are highly effective. Therefore, you cannot miss the opportunity to reach all your consumers directly and personally.

It is also important to have a good ally in this process. That’s why at Antevenio, as an agency specializing in digital marketing, we offer you retention services with SMS Marketing strategies that complement your email mailings. This way you can communicate with your customers wherever they are.






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