Why focus content on the reader

The user at the center of the Google universe.

Focus content on the reader and not the search engines.

Whether you are launching an online site or promoting an existing one surely you have found yourself reading articles talking about website positioning, search engine optimization, indexing, content marketing, seo, sem and many other similar notions.

Confusion is inevitable and anyone at this point would try, in one way or another, to gain clarity by dwelling on the individual topics in more depth.

Certainly the essential part of being successful on the web is search engine ranking even though it goes hand in hand with so many other features that a website should have in order to be known and appreciated.

Google, the world’s largest search engine, is a kind of communication consultant in the Word Wide Web and everything online is in a way, directly or indirectly, influenced by it.

Google, through a very complicated algorithm protected by trade secret, establishes as users type certain keywords (keywords) into the Google Box, a list of selected sites based on the relevance of the search key.

There are various factors that Google looks at to determine whether the information on a particular website is particularly useful.

In this article we will try to analyze this particular aspect in detail.

Google is thus a kind of watchdog that directs information online, whose main goal is to ensure that users have an absolutely useful experience: finding what they are looking for at the time they are looking for it.

Google’s priority

The search engine has the following goals:

  • Propose quality content.
  • Propose original content.
  • Propose content that responds to what the user’s request is.

In one sentence, to be successful online, just stick to one and only one rule which is:

Focus on the reader Google will reward you!
A good website ranking is the consequence of a winning web marketing strategy.

Being able to convey the necessary credibility for your brand must be the ultimate goal of any of your online marketing strategies.

There is a recipe for web visibility, and the basic ingredients are only 2:

Identity (personal or corporate).
Identity is a factor to be studied and not left to chance; not considering it the risk is to make the quality content that will be created on your website less effective.

Content can be textual or visual, such as photos and videos, and they are the ones that will get people talking about you by creating interest in your Brand and consequently in your products/services.

Quality content is the real building block for successful online sites.

Let us now analyze what are the requirements and skills to achieve success and to be noticed.

Here is what you would need to create value:

Writing skills

Readers choose your content because they think it is interesting, humorous, engaging, but also because it is written by someone who has a good online reputation.

People who read a piece of content are because they think they are getting a cognitive and cultural return.

Developing research skills

Of course, those who produce online content do not know every topic in depth.

The ability to write about the subject matter proficiently will have to undergo a thorough and appropriate job of researching the necessary information.

In writing, one must always take into account one’s target audience and what potential readers really need.

Learn how to leverage social media strategically

Produced an interesting, original and appealing content you have to support it with a good Online PR action and exploit each social platform to the fullest, following the most congenial features for the viralization of the content (Hashtags, photos and lots of other tricks…).

Know how to optimize the text/content in SEO key

Optimizing in SEO key, i.e. for search engines is too broad a topic to be covered in this article.

At a basic level you can get support from some plugins, even free ones, that can be installed on various platforms.

For WordPress the best known is SEO by Yoast.

Include a blog in the website

A blog constantly updated with news and information is a great way to grow traffic volume, quality and reputation of your Brand and will attract readers who in turn will share the content.

Reading the posts succeeds in generating a positive attitude toward your Brand that will show that you are fully aware of the topic at hand.

Blogging increases the effectiveness of marketing strategies on social networks and online in general.

But we want to reiterate that thinking primarily about readers and creating a good base of “Fans” who appreciate your product/service will undoubtedly lead to good positioning.







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